Evidence For How To Make Great Games

Earlier this year I gave a talk about the Game Outcomes Project. I called that talk “Evidence For How To Make Great Games” because I think the Game Outcomes Project is the best data we have for what teams do that make great games. I wasn’t involved in the Game Outcomes Project, I just gave a talk about it because I really like it. Also I wanted to focus on different things than what they focused on in their own write-ups and talks.

People who saw the talk said that they really liked it, and they keep on telling me how much they liked it. So I decided to record the talk again and upload it.

The pitch for the talk is that the results of the Game Outcomes Project is the best evidence we have for what makes great game development teams and what makes bad game development teams. And I think that every game developer should know this stuff. So I talk about what you should focus on when making a game, and I give advice for how to get there. So the game outcomes project found “really successful teams do X” and I present that, and then also have a section at the end of the talk where I say “here is how you can actually get good at doing X.” Here is the talk:

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